Point Robinson

Located just off Point Robinson on Vashon-Maury Island in South Central Puget Sound, this hydrophone is well known for close passes by orcas. The Southern Resident killer whales are common visitors in the late fall and early winter, while Bigg's killer whales occur year round. In January, 2022, humpback whale sounds were recorded at this location for the first time within Puget Sound!

The hydrophone is hosted by Sound Action and was first deployed in May, 2021. The project also includes the Orca and Nearshore Camera -- an underwater camera with a live video feed.

Status update 11/18/2023:The hydrophone is working, but sediment has buried the View into the Blue system, so sensitivity is reduced. We have plans to first have divers unbury the deployment, and then we will try to reduce the 60Hz hum.


Point Robinson